Während das Bier braut:

Spielbrett, Würfel, 4 Flaschenverschlüsse, 32 Bierkarten
Der Beitrag wurde am Samstag, den 1. März 2008
um 03:06 Uhr veröffentlicht und wurde unter
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[…] in Klaistow auf dem Flohmarkt hab ich das von klisch bereits erwähnte, wunderbare Bierspiel für legere 1,50 € erstanden. Hat natürlich was mit Trinken zu […]
This article is really worth reading, it has too much details in it and yet it is so simple to unddnstare, Thanks for sharing the picture it has great detail in it and i really appreciate your true artistic work!
Unschooling does NOT happen in a parental vacuum. Sharing things with your unschooled kids in a form they are receptive to is smart. If you deny them the option of discussing or questioning the things you share with them then you are forcing your agenda.
At times like this, they always say the best thing to do is "go with your gut instinct.'' It always turns out right that way. Good luck in making your big decision. But I bet that deep down, you already know what the answer truly is. ;)